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Croatia Salary Calculator

In Croatia, personal income tax (PIT) is progressive. For the 2024 tax year, the lower rate ranges from 15% to 23.6% on annual taxable income up to €50,400, while the higher rate ranges from 25% to 35.4% on income exceeding €50,400. The exact PIT rates within these ranges are set by local self-government units and may vary depending on the taxpayer's place of residence or habitual abode.

Use the calculator below to estimate your take-home pay.

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A quick start guide:

  • Use the slider to set your gross annual salary or income.
  • Select your currency. By default, it's set to the country's official currency.
  • If prompted, select your tax class from the drop-down.
€ 15000

Annual net income:

€ 10337 $ 0000

Monthly net income:

€ 861 $ 0000

Based on available statistics, the average salary in Croatia is €22056 per year, or €1838 per month, before taxes.

Keep in mind that the salaries you’re offered when relocating may differ from those you can get already living in the country.

Disclaimer: The information provided by this tax calculator is for general informational purposes only and should not be used for tax, legal, or accounting purposes. The calculator also does not take into account your specific circumstances (personal allowances, deductions, and so on), which may affect the net income amount.

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