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Australia Salary Calculator

In Australia, income tax is progressive. You pay a fixed amount for income within each bracket, plus a percentage on income above that bracket. For the 2024-25 financial year, income up to A$18,200 is tax-free. From A$18,201 to A$45,000, you pay 16 cents for each A$1 over A$18,200. From A$45,001 to A$135,000, the total tax is A$4,288 (the fixed amount from earlier brackets), plus 30 cents for each A$1 over A$45,000. Higher brackets follow the same pattern. Additionally, most taxpayers pay a Medicare levy of 2% of their taxable income to fund the national healthcare system.

For more detailed information, check out Taxes in Australia, or use the calculator below to estimate your take-home pay.

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A quick start guide:

  • Use the slider to set your gross annual salary or income.
  • Select your currency. By default, it's set to the country's official currency.
  • If prompted, select your tax class from the drop-down.
A$ 54000

Annual net income:

A$ 15000 $ 0000 € 0000

Monthly net income:

A$ 1250 $ 0000 € 0000

Based on available statistics, the average salary in Australia is A$100000 per year, or A$8300 per month, before taxes.

Keep in mind that the salaries you’re offered when relocating may differ from those you can get already living in the country.

Disclaimer: The information provided by this tax calculator is for general informational purposes only and should not be used for tax, legal, or accounting purposes. The calculator also does not take into account your specific circumstances (personal allowances, deductions, and so on), which may affect the net income amount.

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