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Average Salary in Canada

Luis Minvielle
Luis is a writer with over 5 years of experience in B2B software. Even though he has always worked in tech, a sector he regularly publishes about, his initial incursions into writing were, curiously enough, music essays discussing scenes from different parts of the world—most likely to deal with his unfulfilled ambition of becoming a neo-soul crooner.

Oleksandra Dosii
Oleksandra is a dedicated marketer with a passion for growing HR-tech products. She believes content marketing is about delivering high-quality content that provides value—not just generating leads. Since 2016, Oleksandra has been involved in tech talent relocation.
Last update: November 29, 2024
Next update: Scheduled for March 1, 2025

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What is the average salary in Canada?
In 2024, the average salary in Canada was C$62,660 (€42,080). The 2023 weekly salary was C$1,205, and the monthly average salary was around C$5,217. Assuming a standard 40-hour work week, the hourly wage works out to about C$30.13. This salary data was reported by the Statistics Canada in 2023 and, since it’s the latest official data, the 2024 figure was estimated from it.
What is the average salary in Toronto?
In Toronto, the average salary in 2024 is approximately C$73,000 (€48,820). Salaries can differ depending on the industry, with fields like technology, finance, and healthcare typically paying a little more. Although the average wage in Toronto is high, the cost of living is also steep. So, while many people earn good salaries in Toronto, they also have to cope with living in one of North America’s priciest cities. You can check out particular average hourly wages by occupation in Statistics Canada for the Toronto Region.
What is the average salary in Montreal?
In Montreal, Québec, the average salary is approximately C$71,000 (€47,482). The average wage in Montreal is competitive, and the cost of living is generally lower than in cities like Toronto. You can check out particular average hourly wages by occupation in Statistics Canada for the Montreal Region.
What is the average salary in Vancouver?
In Vancouver, the average salary in 2024 is C$71,000, just like in Montreal. Vancouver is still a very expensive city, and, to be fair, one of the best to live in.
What is the minimum wage in Canada?
In Canada, with the minimum hourly wage in 2024 varying between C$15.00 and C$17.59 across regions, the monthly salary would range from approximately C$2,598 to C$3,046.59. Annually, this would amount to salaries between C$ 31,200 (€20,865) and C$36,587.20 (€24,468), presuming a 40-hour workweek.
What is a good salary in Canada?
To live comfortably as a single person in Canada, a good yearly salary depends on the city’s cost of living. In general, around C$47,772 (€31,948) per year after taxes would cover living expenses and leave a bit extra for savings or recreation. In Toronto, because of the above-average rent, you'd need a net salary of about C$58,106 (€38,859) a year to live comfortably. Instead, in Montreal, where prices are a bit more manageable and more Mignon, a net salary of C$44,474 (€29,743) per year should be enough for a good lifestyle.
Average salary after tax in Canada
In Canada, the average tax rate depends on your income level and province of residence, as taxes are a combination of federal and provincial rates. Generally, income taxes range from 15% to 33% federally, with provincial rates adding another 5% to 20%. The average annual salary of $62,660 will round to C$50,382 or €35,436. You can use our tax calculator to see how other gross incomes will look like.
What are the highest-paying jobs in Canada?
In Canada, some of the highest-paying jobs are typically found in sectors like oil & gas, healthcare, technology, law, and the financial services industry. We’re listing the average salaries in Canada for some well-known occupations (Source: Payscale):
- Digital Marketing Specialist: C$55,197 (€36,914)
- HR Generalist: C$60,629 (€40,547)
- Data Analyst: C$62,496 (€41,795)
- UX Designer: C$66,700 (€44,607)
- Project Manager (General): C$79,931 (€53,455)
- Software Engineer: C$83,416 (€55,786)
- Business Analyst, Finance/Banking: C$67,361 (€45,049)
- Team Leader, IT: C$86,027 (€57,532)
- Communications Specialist: C$60,710 (€40,601)
Average salary comparison by country
Country | Average gross salary (EURs) 2024 |
🇩🇪 Germany | €52,000 |
🇳🇱 Netherlands | €44,000 |
🇦🇹 Austria | €38,457 |
🇪🇸 Spain | €26,950 |
🇧🇪 Belgium | €48,912 |
🇸🇪 Sweden | €36,821 |
🇪🇪 Estonia | €24,084 |
🇮🇪 Ireland | €46,200 |
🇫🇮 Finland | €48,384 |
🇺🇸 United States | US$62,800 or €57,200 |
🇩🇰 Denmark | €53,000 |
🇨🇦 Canada | C$62,660 or €42,080 |
🇬🇧 United Kingdom | €42,150 |
🇦🇺 Australia | A$100,000 or €64,516 |
🇸🇬 Singapore | €55,008 |
🇯🇵 Japan | ¥4,550,000 or €28,137 |
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